Context                   How it works?                    Who can join?                   Prize                   Rules                   Judging criteria                   Contact

Let’s co-create a sustainable world!

Climate change is the toughest challenge humanity has ever faced, but the solutions and actions to be taken are unclear. What is clear to us is that this unprecedented challenge calls for equally unprecedented collaboration. 

You are invited to join the INNOVATHON 2020 to take action together and help co-construct a sustainable world.

The Innovathon is an innovation challenge in which GEM clients, employees, and partners will work together to co-develop concrete solutions to our clients' decarbonization challenges. 

Connect with our clients from different countries and industries, ENGIE and other actors sharing the similar challenges and the similar ambition to create a better world through sustainable innovation. 

Your help is needed! Join the call for projects on March 6 to propose your ideas.


How it works?

An innovation challenge to accelerate new solutions for decarbonization.

Clients, partners & ENGIE foster sustainable innovative solutions related to various drivers, pain points and visions.
GEMers form teams and share ideas to resolve client pain points expressed in Workshop 1.

All information shared during Workshop 1 will be made available on an online platform.

Ideation phase

March 6  - June 7 - Online

On June 16, the jury will shortlist 12 teams after a pitchs session.

During the workshop, one member of each team will pitch their project in front of a GEM jury.

An internal jury selects 7 projects to continue to workshop three.

Workshop 2

Teams selected in Workshop 2 have 48 hours to prototype their solution.

The winning project is selected by a jury of ENGIE leaders with the input of clients. This team gets resources to accelerate and develop their project.

Workshop 3

Sept 29 - 30, 2020

Workshop 1

March 5, 2020 - Paris

June 24 - 25, 2020 - Online

Who can join the ENGIE’s challenge?

This challenge is open to all ENGIE GEM employees willing to share their ideas, skills and work closely with our clients!

Anyone can propose an idea, however all ideas must be supported by a team of 2 to 4 GEMers eager to develop the solution. 

The event is based in Paris, but all GEMers are invited to participate regardless of location and propose ideas via the ideation platform open from March 6.


The winning team will be rewarded by €5,000 and get the opportunity to accelerate and implement their solution within ENGIE’s GEM Business Unit.



Workshop 1

Rules of the game

A COLLECTIVE CHALLENGEClients, Partners & ENGIE foster sustainable innovative solutions related to various visions.

Clients role

Clients share their drivers, pain points, provide feedbacks and inputs for the winning solution.

ENGIE role

Any participant submitting an idea on the Ideation platform must be committed to the development of this project and available to participate to the WS3. If the Participant submit more than one idea on the platform, he or she must ensure that the project will be supported by a team of 2 to 4 people if selected during WS2.

Intellectual property

ENGIE has full ownership of all prototyped solutions.

Judging criteria

All proposed projects will be evaluated according to the five following criteria.

Systemic social impact on our stakeholders (GEMers, ENGIE, clients, partners, regulator, NGOs, society…).


Responds to the client main driver and pain points. Potential to scale up with diverse clients.


Potential for environmental benefit, facilitates decarbonization, contributes to regenerative business.


Technically, regulatory, scalability, resources (time, ppl, €)…


Financial impact: ROI over time.


The project is creative and innovative.



If you have any question or need further information, please contact us:

Now that you know more about the Innovathon challenge, let your imagination create a sustainable project!